If you would like to enter the field of entertainment, such as music, television, or radio, then there are a number of music business degree options available to them. These options are particularly interesting for those who do not want to be performing musicians, or who don’t want to be involved in the practical elements of creating music, such as the sound engineers. The music industry is one of the most valuable in the world today, one where billions of dollars are made and lost every year. If you feel passionate about this industry, then studying music business is a great way to get involved in it.

What Can You Do with a Music Business Degree?

The global music business industry is believed to have been worth $42.93 billion in 2016 alone. That is a huge sum of money! Key in it, as well, is that it is a global figure. No matter where in the world you are, music is made and listened to. Hence, when you complete a music business degree, the first thing to know is that you will be able to find employment in any part of the world.

Indeed, once you graduate, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of opportunities available you. The best thing to do, however, is to think about your dream career before you enroll in your degree program. This will give you the opportunity to find a program that has a curriculum that aligns with your personal needs and goals. Some of the sub-industries within the business of music you could focus on, for instance, include:

  • Marketing and public relations.
  • Concert venues.
  • Record labels.
  • Radio stations.
  • Live entertainment.
  • The movie industry.

Once you know which industry you would like to work in, you also have to consider the type of job you would like to hold. Some of the options include:

  • Concert promoter
  • Tour publicist
  • Road manager
  • Radio promoter
  • Publicist
  • Personal manager
  • Booking agent
  • Music publisher
  • Music supervisor
  • Label manager
  • Talent scout

Once you hold a degree in music business, you will be able to prove that you have received in-depth training of specific aspects of the industry. You are likely to have to complete an internship as part of your degree, which will further demonstrate that you also have the practical skills needed to complete the job. Choosing your internship, therefore, is also incredibly important, because it should align with what your personal preferred career will be.

Do your research properly about the different programs, what they offer, and what they expect from you. Doing so will ensure that you enroll in a degree that is right for your needs. Upon completion, you will be able to take on a very lucrative career in this multi-billion-dollar industry, one that is growing very rapidly, but also changing very rapidly. You will be part of the digital era, with a lot of sound and music now being available online. Be ready to embrace that!

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